Wet Cupping (Hijama) is one of the remedies from the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam).Not only did he have hijama performed on himself,but he also  recommended it as a beneficial treatment for various ailments.

Note That even though the various forms and methods of Cupping are beneficial, only wet cupping (HIJAMA) is a remedy from the sunnah.

Below are some narrations from the sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) that relate to HIJAMA therapy.

Narrated ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) said : I did not pass by an assembley of Angels on the night that I was taken on the night journey (laitatul israa), except that all of them said to me: Oh Muhammad, upon you is Cupping (You should have cupping performed). (Sunan ibn Majah  3477)

Narrated Anas bin Malik (radiyallahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) said: I did not pass by an assembly of Angels on the night that I was taken on the night Journey (lailatul israa), except that they said: Oh Muhammad, order your nation with Cupping (to use cupping as a treatment). (Sunan ibn Majah 3479)

Narrated Jabir (radiyallahu anhu) that Umm Salah (wife of the Prophet Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) sought permission from the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) to have Cupping performed on her, So the Prohet (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) ordered Abu Taibah to cup her. He said: I assumed that he was her brother from breast feeding  or he was a boy under the age of puberty.
(Sunan ibn Majah 3480)

Narrated Jabir (radiyallahu anhu) when he returned to Muqanna he said: I will not leave until to treat yourself with Cupping. For indeed I heard the Messenger of Allah(Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) saying: Indeed there is a cure in it (In Cupping).
(Sahih Muslim 2205)

Narrated ibn Abbas (radiyallahu anhu), the Prophet (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam)said: there is a cure in three things: in the slash of the cupper or drink honey or cauterization with fire, and I forbid my nation from cauterization.
(Sahih Al-Bukhari 5681)

Narrated ibn Abbas : that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) was treated with Cupping on his head while he was inIhram due to a migraine that he had.

(Sahih Al-Bukhari)

Narrated Anas (radiyallahu anhu), that the Prophet (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) used to get treated with Cupping on the two Jugular veins and the upper part of the back. He used to get treated with Cupping on the 17th and 19th and  21st.
(Jami at-Tirmidhi 2051)
Narrated jabir (radiyallahu anhu) that the Prophet (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) fell off from his horse onto a trunk (of a tree), so his foot became discolated. Waki said: meaning that the Prophe was treated with Cupping on it because of a contusion.
(Sunan ibn Majah 3485)
Narrated Anas ibn Malik (radiyallahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam)  said: Whoever wants to be treated with Cupping let him search for the 17th or the 19th or the 21st.And do not let your blood become hyper anemic (becomes excessive/boil/rage)so that it kills you.
(Sunan ibn Majah 3486)
Narrated Jabir (radiyallahu anhu) that the Messenger Of Allah (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) was treated with Cupping on his hip because of a sprain/brise he suffered from.
(Sunan Abu Dawud 3863)
Narrated Salma (radiyallahu anha), the servant of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam): There was no complained to the Messenger ofAllah (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) of a headache except he would say to him: Get treated with Cupping, And neither a pain in the legs except he would say to him: Get treated with Cupping, And neither a pain in the legs except he would say: dye them (with Henna).
(Sunan Abu Dawud 3858)
Narrated (radiyallahu anhu) when he retured to Muqanna’ he said: I will not leave until to treat yourself with Cupping. For indeed I heard the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) saying: Indeed there is a cure in it (in Cupping).
(Sahih Muslim 2205)
Narrated Ibn Abbas (radiyallhu anhu): The Prophet (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) was treated by cupping while he was fasting.
(Sahih Al-Bukhari 5694)

Therapist Wage

The following is an excerpt taken from abook entitled: Cupping a practice of the Prophet & a miraculous way of treatment Compiled by Shihab al-Badry Yasin:
The Prophet (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) always paid the cupper his wage that it is lawful. The majority of scholars agree with that. Cupping for money might spread the practice between people.
Ikrimah reported that Ibn Abbas said: The Prophet (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) was cupped and he gave the cupper his wage. If he knew it was undesirable,he would not have given it. It was reported from Awn bin Abu Hanifah on the authority of his father he bought a cupper slave and said, The Prophet (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) forbade the acceptance of the price of blood (cupping) the price of a dog, gains of a prostitute and he cursed the usurer, the one paying usury, the one making tattoos, the one getting tattooed and the sculpture.
This means that accepting the price of selling blood is prohibited but this different from paying a return for the practitioner time.

Ibn Abbas said, The Prophet (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) was cupped by slave from Banu Bayadah and the Prophet(Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) gave him his wage and talked to his master who reduced his charge. If it was illicit gain, the Prophet (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) would not have given it. Amr bin Al-ansary said, I heard Anas bin Malik saying the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu  alaihi wasallam) was cupped and never did he treat anyone unjustly concerning his wage.


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